After graduating with a bachelor of fine arts degree at University of Central Missouri, Nyle had the opportunity to work in several different art fields. In 2004 Nyle left the corporate art arena to pursue his first love of painting. Nyle has studied seriously and been inspired by the works of many artists past and contemporary. Nyle and his wife Kathy have returned to live in the small town of Ethel, Missouri. Close to family, old friends and the childhood farm, this small community provides endless inspiration.
1980 - 1984
BFA Drawing and Painting
University of Central Missouri
American Art Collector; Dec. 2018, Issue 158, John O'Hern Collector's Focus; Interpreting Life pp.80,82
Southwest Art Magazine; Dec. 2016 Volume 46, No. 7, Kim Agricola Artists to Watch p. 20
Plein Air Magazine; Aug.-Sept. 2016 Volume 6, Issue 4, Bob Bahr pp. 82, 83
Plein Air Collector, Bob Bahr, Eureka! There were Winners in Arkansas
Plein Air Collector, Bob Bahr, Fleeing to the Big Easy
Plein Air Collector, Bob Bahr, New Milwaukee Event Gathers Museums, Plein Air Painters
Awards 2019-2014
2019"Best of South Florida" Lighthouse Plein Air Festival, Tequesta, Florida; Curator’s Choice
2018 “Best of Show” December Gateway International Art Contest; Judge: Greg Scheibel
2018 "Master Class Award" November Art Muse Contest; Judge: Nancy Tankersley
2018 "Best of Show" Bluff Strokes, Dubuque, Iowa, Judge: Nancie King Mertz
2018 "Second Place" Northbrook Plein Air Painting Festival"
2018 “Third Place” August Boldbrush Painting Competition; Judge: Mark Lague
2018 "Finalist" August Gateway International Art Contest; Judge: Laurie Barmore
2018 “Honorable Mention” Oil Painters of America Summer Online Showcase; Judge Bryce Liston
2018 “Best of Show” July Gateway International Art Contest; Judge: Jason Sacran
2018 “January Finalist” Gateway International Painting Competition. Judge: Jane Hunt
2018 “March Finalist” Gateway International Painting Competition. Judge: Matt Sterbenz
2018 “Second Place Oil” Augusta Plein Air Festival, Augusta, Mo.
2018 “Invited Artist” Plein Air Easton, Easton Maryland
2017 "Best Plein Air" Plein Air Salon June/July Judge: Thomas W. Schaller
2017 "Finalist" May Boldbrush Painting Competition, Judge: Jerry Markham
2017 " Best Oil" Plein Air Salon April/May, Judge: Catherine Saks
2017 "Best of Show" Sedona Art Prize, April Online Painting Competition, Judge: Jeanne Bessette
2017 "Best of Show", "Artist Choice","First Place, Oil", Augusta Plein Air Festival, Augusta, Mo. Judge: M.Shawn Cornell
2017 "Best of Show", "First Place", Daily Paint" Steelville Plein Air 2017
2016 "First Place" Oil Painters of America Summer Online Showcase Judge: Frank LaLumia, OPA
2016 "Best Architecture" En Plein Air Texas, San Angelo, Texas Judge: Marc R. Hansen OPAM
2016 "Best of Show" Art in the City, Plein Air MKE 2016, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Judges: Pamela Hermanson Ruschman, Bill DeLind
2016 "Best of Show", Eureka Springs Plein Air Festival, Eureka Springs, Arkansas Judges: Lloyd Kelly, David Tripp
2016 "Second Place" Heartland National Exhibition, Merriam, Ks Judge: Donna Yeager
2016 "Best Maritime Activity" Cape Ann Plein Air, Cape Ann, Massachusetts Judge: Ray Hassard
2016 "First Place, Paint Essex" Essex, Massachusetts
2016 "Artist Choice" Lighthouse Plein Air, Tequesta, FL
2016 "Second Place, Quick Paint" Lighthouse Plein Air, Tequesta, FL Judge: Jim McVicker
2016 "1st Place-Zone 4" "2nd Place-Zone 1" Brush Creek Art Walk, Kansas City, Missouri Judge: Mike Flora
2016 "Artist Choice" Lighthouse Plein Air, Tequesta, FL
2016 "Second Place, Quick Paint" Lighthouse Plein Air, Tequesta, FL Judge: Jim McVicker
2016 "1st Place-Zone 4" "2nd Place-Zone 1" Brush Creek Art Walk, Kansas City, Missouri Judge: Mike Flora
2015 "First Place, Category 2"; STEMS, Overland park, Ks.
2015 "Second Place" Plein Air Cedarburg; Cedarburg, Wi.
2015 "First Place Nocturnal" Paint the Point; Mineral Point, Wi.
2015 "Best of Show" Marceline Paint Out, Marceline, Mo.
2015 "Best of Show" Fairfield Fall Paint Out, Fairfield, Il.
2015 "People's Choice" Fairfield Fall Paint Out, Fairfield, Il.
2014 "Special Award, Visit San Angelo" ; EnPleinAirTEXAS, San Angelo, Tx Judge; Stephen Doherty
2014 "Best Of Show" ; Fairfield Fall Paintout, Fairfield, Il Judge; Maggie Rapp
2014 "Artist's Choice" ; Fairfield Fall Paintout, Fairfield, IL
2014 "First Place, Cityscape, Quick Paint" ; Plein Air Shorewood, Shorewood, Wi
2014 "First Place, Nocturnal" ; Plein Air Rockies 2014, Estes Park, Co
2014 “First Place” Oil Category 2 Stems Plein Air Paint , Kansas City, Mo.
2014 “Second Place” Oil Category 1 Stems Plein Air Paint , Kansas City, Mo.